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Commonly used simulation tools

SixTrack for DA

This manual explains how to use SixTrack to simulate dynamic aperture (DA), e.g. the largest stable amplitude particles have in view of magnetic field errors and/or misalignments.

SixTrack with K2

The K2 module provides an integrated Monte-Carlo framework to simulate the interaction of protons with the matter of the LHC collimators. The manual describes how to set up a combined tracking/particle matter interaction simulation to identify the ultimate loss location of protons intercepted by the LHC collimation system, which ultimately allows to deduce the collimation cleaning inefficiency (e.g., the number of protons that can escape the collimation system) for a given LHC configuration.

SixTrack coupled to FLUKA

The tracking functionality of SixTrack can be combined with FLUKA to simulate particle-matter interaction at the collimators. This framework is particularly useful when the collimation cleaning inefficiency should be simulated for heavy-ion beams (Pb, Xe, ...) for which the proton-specific K2 module can not be applied. It is also applied to produce input for subsequent shower propagation studies with FLUKA.

Proceedings of the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Tracking for Collimation in Particle Accelerator.
CERN Document Server Link

SixTrack build manual: