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Common issues

The simulation finishes successfully but the highest loss location doesn't make sense, for example is at a TCT

If the highest losses are observed, for example, at the TCTs, several possible error sources have to be considered:

  • The initial offset in x,xp,y,yp in the gpdist_config.txt file was often not set correctly. Check if the angle and offset are in line with the crossing angle and separation bump offset in the Twiss file generated along with the generation of the fort.2.
  • The parameter SSHIFT in the gpdist_config.txt file could be set wrongly.
  • The collimators must be correctly aligned around the closed orbit. If the Twiss file used with the preprocessing script is not reflecting the optics in the fort.2 this can result in a wrong alignment of the collimators and subsequently in the interception of particles which are in reality not hitting the collimator.

Simulations can't be submitted

When submitting the simulations via HTCondor the following error message appears:

DCSchedd::spoolJobFiles:7002:File transfer failed for target job 
ERROR: Failed to spool job files.

When cheking out the queue using condor_q, the following info appears:

-- Failed to fetch ads from: <> :
SECMAN:2007:Failed to end classad message.
In this case, the scheduler is probably not reachable. Try again later. See here for further info.