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Team Members


Staff Members

Stefano Redaelli
- NDC section leader
- HL-LHC WP5 leader
- LHC Machine coordinator
- Convener of the PBC LHC Fixed Target working group

Reyes Alemany Fernandez
- OXY4LHC project leader
- LEIR machine supervisor

Frederik Van der Veken
- Simulation codes: SixTrack, SixDesk
- Development of BOINC for SixTrack at home
- Simulation of dynamic aperture

Massimo Giovannozzi
- Collimation
- Non-linear beam-dynamics
- FCC-hh study leader

Pascal Hermes
- Physics beyond colliders: TWOCRYST Study Leader
- Transverse beam halo quantification and mitigation
- Heavy-ion collimation
- HL-LHC performance limitations

Roderik Bruce
- Coordinator of the LHC and HL-LHC heavy-ion programs
- Proton Collimation in LHC and future machines
- Heavy-ion collimation in LHC and future machines
- LHC performance limitations, e.g. β* and aperture
- Experimental beam backgrounds


André Donadón Servelle (superv. R. Bruce)
- HL-LHC proton collimation performance

Andrey Abramov (superv. R. Bruce)
- FCC-ee collimation

Kay Dewhurst (superv. P.Hermes)
- Physics beyond colliders: TWOCRYST simulations

Maciej Slupecki (superv. R. Alemany)
- Ions in LHC injectors
- Oxygen for the LHC

Natalia Triantafyllou (superv. R. Bruce)
- Beam collimation performance in Run 3
- LHC ion beam performance

Rongrong Cai (superv. P. Hermes)
- Physics beyond colliders: TWOCRYST

Project Assiciates (PJASs)

Bjorn Lindstrom
- HL-LHC proton collimation
- (HL-)LHC aperture models

Carlo Emilio Montanari (RHUL)
- Analysis of diffusive models to describe non-linear beam dynamics in proton colliders

Doctoral Students

Chiara Maccani (superv. P. Hermes) - TWOCRYST beam dynamics simulations for MD preparation and analysis
- TWOCRYST fibre detector preparation, commissioning, exploitation

Giacomo Broggi (superv. R. Bruce)
- FCC-ee collimation design
- Simulation for collimation of lepton beams

Milica Rakic (superv. P. Hermes)
- Characterization and removal of transverse beam halos in LHC
- Limitations to HL-LHC from beam halos

Dora Erzsebet VERES (superv. M. Giovannozzi)
- Non-linear beam dynamics and beam manipulations with islands
- Slow extraction with islands and crystals

Technical Students, Interns, and Summer Students

Marta Orwat (superv. P. Hermes) - LHC aperture measurements and simulations

Simone Solstrand (superv. F. Van der Veken) - Development on Xcoll in Xsuite

Francie Wharton (superv. K. Dewhurst) - Physics beyond colliders: TWOCRYST simulations - NDC webpage updates

In collaborating institutes (not based at CERN)

Arkadiusz Gorzawski, European Spallation Source (ESS), Lund, Sweden

Armando Bazzani, University of Bologna, Italy

Gianluca Valentino, University of Malta
- Machine Learning
- Pattern Recognition
- Accelerator and Detector Control Systems
- Accelerator technology

Giulio Stancari, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, USA
- Hollow electron lenses

Marcin Patecki, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
- Physics beyond colliders

Tom Markiewicz, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, California, USA

Former members

Gabriella Azzopardi
- Research automation and speed-up of LHC collimator alignment using Machine Learning

Federico Capoani
- Shaping transverse beam distributions by means of adiabatic crossing of resonances

Marco d' Andrea (superv. S. Redaelli)
- Crystal collimation
- BLM Threshold working group

Alex Fomin
- Physics beyond colliders

James Molson
- Coupling of SixTrack to Merlin, Geant4, FLUKA

Alessandro Frasca
- Losses from heavy-ion physics debris

Satya Sai Jagabathuni
- Beam-gas interaction at the HEL beam-gas curtain

Giulia Russo
- Analysis of non-linear beam dynamics in the CERN PS ring

Laurence Nevay
- Radiation transport & particle matter interaction simulation for experiments at accelerators